Thursday 23 January 2014

Hello guys, this week's post is going to be about Object Oriented Programming, or OOP, and its awesome feature recursion.

Object Oriented Programming

I find Object Oriented Programming as one of the most important terms in CSC148 and in programming in general. Basically, anything and everything in a program has something to do with objects. This makes objects the very base of the OOP programming paradigm, and understanding them as well as their associated functions is the key method to acing such paradigms.

Another one of OOP's amazing features is modularity, which means that 1000s of lines of codes can be broken down to smaller modules, making it easier to write and easier to understand. OOP has many more amazing features than can be written down like, Recursion. It is one of the most overpowered programming features. Its the ability of a function to call itself. The rest is silence! ... and next week is on another topic.